Dr. Jon D. Morey will oversee a course designed to test one’s ability to learn and execute proper orienteering skills using a map and compass to navigate from point-to-point over natural terrain in Northern Michigan. No experience necessary but the ability to hike 10-15 miles off trail is encouraged. We will set up minimalist shelters Friday night and begin our excursion first thing Saturday morning. Over the course of the day, our group (accompanied by trained leadership), will attempt to meet with Dr. Morey at a series of checkpoints, ending at a final camp location where participants will once again get experience constructing quick, yet minimal shelters. Saturday’s communal meal will be provided.
A minimum donation of $30 is suggested. All proceeds go directly towards our non-profit: the Uncivilized Living Foundation whose mission is “To provide underserved and other populations in need with the unique benefits of outdoor experiences and life lessons from living in Nature”