What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is that branch of human medicine concerned with complaints of the neuromusculoskeletal system and works directly with the spine and vertebral column to address and treat subluxations (anatomic and physiologic misalignments).
Chiropractic diagnostic and healing modalities are based in sound science and clinical research. This time honored method of care has been around since the beginning of medicine and stands as one of the “Big Three” primary care options left to someone suffering; Drugs, Surgery, and Conservative Care.
Chiropractic helps to remove the obstacles to health and vitality through a wide range of healing modalities that do NOT include invasive surgeries and procedures (with their attendant risks) or prescriptions for patented pharmaceuticals (with their potentially adverse side effects)!
Tired of not feeling your healthiest and happiest? Looking for answers or help?
Then call the office and experience the Chiropractic way of healthcare today!
Medical Massage
The art of human massage has been around for millennia. The ancient Greeks knew the value of bodywork with the hands for increased health and vitality. The Greeks also gave us Chiropractic Medicine! Chiro– (“hand”) and Practic– (“take action”).
Benefits of regular massage include; reduced muscle tension, increased circulation and lymphatic drainage, improved posture due to better joint mobility, reduction of stress hormones and improved mental well-being (its relaxing!).
We offer many types of massage including sports massage for
- Injury Recovery
- Deep Tissue
- Conditionally Specific Treatments
Call today for pricing and to schedule an appointment, 810-234-5431.