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This non-invasive health care option examines a wide variety of factors affecting wellness, and is designed to work along with your existing health care regimen...
Based on metabolic testing and medical history, our experts work closely with each patient to achieve nutritional competence and meet their individual goals...
We’re Michigan's first and largest MovNat® Training Center, providing students with natural movement instruction ranging from Restorative to Performatory...
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patients in the care of the human frame, proper diet, and the cause and prevention of disease” ~Thomas Edison
Dr. Jon D. Morey, DC, MCT
Jon Morey is a licensed Chiropractic Physician, MovNat® Certified Trainer, 5th degree black belt, and a Biology professor at the University of Michigan-Flint. Dr. Morey looks forward to helping you become a healthier, happier person as a member of the Great Lakes Chiropractic & Movement Center!
Dr. Jon D Morey’s experience and innovative approach are instrumental in helping Great Lakes patients reach their goals every day...
A Note from the Doctor
Let's Get Social
Summer is slipping away and fall will quickly be here 🍂
Make sure to get outside and soak up all that warm vitamin D while you can 🌞 Get your feet on the ground. Enjoy the waters. Don't forget to play and move!
#DrandMrsMorey #summerfun #puremichigan #Uncivilizedvitality ##uncivilizeddoctor #UVlifestyle #naturalmovement #nature #Chiropracticcare #chiropractorphysician #massagetherapy #care
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Dr. Morey was able to meet up with State Representative David Martin at the 11th Annual Michigan Preparedness Picnic. It was a good day all around! Networking with some great groups/people! Look forward to some new UV events as a result!
#DrMorey #ConnectingCommunities #GLCMC #uncivilizedvitality #uncivilizeddoctor #chiropracticcare #massage #NaturalMovement #michiganhappenings
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Dr. Morey brought Uncivilized Vitality to the Annual Michigan Preparedness Picnic! The UV table and members were set up and ready to answer questions, run a raffle, and be a part of this great community! Doctor Morey was a presenter and had the opportunity to share signed copies of his book 🙌
#DrMorey #greatlakeschiropractic #movementcenter #Michigan #preparedness #community #UV #uncivilizedvitality #uncivilizeddoctor #healthandhappiness #lifestyle #program
#michiganpreparedness #LookingBackToMoveForward
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